By: Kevin Randolph

The American Public Power Association recently approved six new policy resolutions on infrastructure investments, electric vehicles, supplemental transmission, disaster response, western markets, and modernizing the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978.

The Association’s Legislative & Resolutions Committee approved the resolutions at the Association’s 2018 Legislative Rally.

The Association’s Oversight and Transparency of Supplemental Transmission Projects resolution declared the Association’s support of efforts to address maintenance and refurbishment needs of the transmission grid.

“It is imperative that federal policymakers implement a true review process that ensures transmission investments within regional transmission organizations are prudent, cost-effective and future-focused,” the Association said in a news release.

The Association also confirmed its support for policies that incentivize the production and deployment of electric vehicles and charging infrastructure.

Additionally, the Association commended its members for executing and participating in mutual aid agreements and encouraged greater member participation in such agreements.

The Public Power Infrastructure Investments resolution described the association’s stance that the federal government should not incent states and localities to privatize public facilities.

The Association also urged that evaluation of any proposals to expand the California Independent System Operator and augment the Energy Imbalance Market consider the proposals’ impact on consumers and to the public power business model.

The Association also announced its support for an examination by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and Congress of “whether the objectives of PURPA have been achieved given the development of wholesale electricity markets, the adoption of open access transmission policies, and the adoption of state and federal policies to promote renewable sources of power.”



American Public Power Association approves resolutions on infrastructure, electric vehicles

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